Composting Subscription Service Tackles Nappy Waste

TerraCycle Include USA DYPER
US start-up Dyper has introduced commercial composting to its nappy subscription service to appeal to waste-conscious parents. In 2017, disposable nappies accounted for over 4.2 million tonnes of refuse in the US alone (EPA, 2019).   Dyper has collaborated with US recycling brand TerraCycle to provide parents with hazmat-standard bags and boxes, allowing soiled diapers to be safely sent for centralised composting. The compost can then be used to nourish public vegetation. For parents who compost at home, the website gives information on how to safely and consciously dispose of their products.   The company is building on its eco ethos further; its nappies are made from responsibly sourced bamboo and viscose fibres, which are much kinder to the planet. Traditional options tend to contain harmful substances such as plastics and chemicals. Dyper also offsets its shipping and waste carbon footprint with non-profit Cool Effect to give consumers additional peace of mind.   Dyper launched in 2018 as a diaper subscription service, offering delivery of up to 260 nappies for $68 per month. The new service, named ReDyper, costs an additional $39 per month.   Brands that provide eco-consumers with much-needed sustainable alternatives are sure to win in this time of growing climate consciousness. See Reaching Eco Demographics in our Macro Trend Towards Our Sustainable Future for more on how to appeal to the diverse concerns of green consumers.