Cinco de Mayo recipes that are Earth friendly, really!

TerraCycle Mission Foods Include USA
The other day I was led to website that absolutely blew my mind.  Let me preface by saying that being “green”, when it comes to the environment, is something I’ve skimped on to say the least.  The website in questions is www.terracycle.net and they will take your used, non-recyclable wrappers from chips and tortillas and indeed, recycle them.  With Earth Day and Cinco de Mayo right around the corner, TerraCycle’s wonderful recycling program has hit full swing. Megan Yarnall from TerraCycle along with Mission Products were kind enough to supply me with recipes that I tried personally and the results were stupendous.  With a maximizing effort to keep our environment around for a long time, these recipes are conducive for a “green” diet.  All products used are approved with TerraCycle and can be returned for recycling!