Celebrate a 'green' Cinco de Mayo with TerraCycle

TerraCycle Mission Foods Include USA
TerreCycle and Mission Foods have partnered to make Cino de Mayo delicious and 'green.' Families can celebrate by cooking amazing food with recipes from Mission Foods that feature ingredients with packaging that can be recycled into eco-friendly products and while earning money for their favorite charity. How it works “After feasting on treats such as Mango Tango Dip and Chicken Fajitas, the packaging can be sent to TerraCycle, a company which upcycles and recycles food wrappers and other waste into bright backpacks, plant grow kits, and even mini speakers. With Mission and TerraCycle, kids and parents alike can indulge in healthy food while taking care of their environment.” Recycling can continue long after the celebrations are over. Schools and community groups can form a TerraCycle Brigade which collects packaging and sends it to TerraCycle. Each piece received will earn two cents for the groups charity of choice.