Celebrate a green Cinco de Mayo with Mission Foods chicken fajitas

TerraCycle Mission Foods Include USA
Cinco de Mayo is almost here. This year, you and your family can cook, celebrate and recycle by making recipes with Mission Foods products, saving the packaging and sending it to TerraCycle. TerraCycle is an environmentally-friendly and rapidly expanding company that recycles and “upcycles” waste, such as food packaging and small electronics. Then, using these waste products, the company manufactures a wide variety of consumer goods, including picture frames, CD cases and even fences. According to the company’s official website, “TerraCycle’s purpose is to eliminate the idea of waste. We do this by creating national recycling systems for the previously non-recyclable. The process starts by offering collection programs (many of them free) to collect your waste and then convert the collected waste into a wide range of products and materials.”