Capri Sun Pouch Brigade helps students in Africa

capri-sun TerraCycle Include USA
Mrs. Poremba’s 5th graders at Mt. Pilchuck, who helped collect, store and count the pouches. Hayden Ploeger gathered Capri Sun pouches to help students in Africa. Hayden Ploeger, a 5th grader at Mt. Pilchuck Elementary was searching the web one day and came up with a great idea. Ploeger found out that a company called TerraCycle will take CapriSun pouches and turn them into usable items such as purses, pencil cases and tote bags. To do this, they offer two cents per pouch to anyone who wants to send them to the company. Ploeger’s brain started to move and realized that by collecting these pouches he could not only help keep them out of landfills, but he could use the money to help other students in need.