Campus Org Success Through Recycling With Terracycle

TerraCycle Include USA
Ohio Wesleyan is home to over one hundred student organizations, many of which participate in philanthropy -related programs.  While traditional methods can still be effective, students may find themselves becoming bored by the stream of fundraisers and Greek-organized events.  Knowing it is still important to support a cause and be involved in community service, organizations may have trouble searching for a way to make a difference that is out-of-the-box but still not too time consuming. Terracycle offers a solution to both of these problems.  Terracycle offers recycling programs for 44 types of atypical materials.  Amount of materials sent in is recorded through use of a point system; certain types of materials are worth more points than others, but almost all materials can contribute to gaining some amount of points.  After accruing a certain amount of points, they can be redeemed for items ranging from circuit board coasters to recycled plastic benches.  A program designed to target recycling cookie wrappers could redeem points for tote bags made from cookie wrappers to further advertise their initiative.  Possibly the best way to help a cause is to donate the points through one of Terracycle’s charity partners.  Points can be redeemed to provide people with clean water, to adopt land, to donate to organizations such as Heifer International and Red Cross, and many more.