Businesses that Increase ‘Eco-Cred’ Will See Green

TerraCycle Include USA
Several studies confirm what many business owners already know: A large majority of consumers prefer to patronize companies with sustainable products and practices. But what does that mean for businesses that don’t necessarily consider themselves green?  It means they can be green, too, and the Green Alliance in Portsmouth can help. About 68 percent of consumers can be classified as “light greens,” those who show preference toward environmental, ethical products and services, according to the market research firm Mintel. What’s more, according to a 2012 Cohn & Wolfe study, one in five consumers will even spend a 10 percent premium on a green product. “The reasons to increase your brand’s 'eco-cred' are obvious. It is the right thing to do, will attract new consumers, increase brand loyalty with existing customers and even attract better employees, ,” says Albe Zakes, global vice president for media relations at TerraCycle, one of the fastest-growing green companies in the world. He notes that in a MonsterTRAK study, 92 percent of young professionals are more inclined to work for an environmentally friendly company.