Beach Plastic: A Recycling Story

TerraCycle Include USA P&G Suez Beach Plastic Shampoo Bottle
The plastic waste accumulated in oceans is like something out of a horror movie. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF), 95% of the value of plastic packaging material, worth $80-120 billion annually, is lost to the economy and on the current track, there could be more plastics than fish in the ocean (by weight) by 2050. With such a huge problem to address, it calls for some creativity and innovation, which is how ‘beach plastic’ came to be. Earlier this year, P&G gained worldwide headlines when it announced that its Head & Shoulders brand will produce the world’s first recyclable shampoo bottle made from up to 25% recycled beach plastic. I first covered the announcement back in January and since then have interviewed reps from P&G and their recycling partner, TerraCycle. In addition, in February, my colleague Tony Deligio and I traveled to San Diego to interview a beach cleanup organization, a key component in this whole initiative. And that’s where the beach plastic story begins.