Atlantic Country Library Foundation volunteers celebrates "Love Your library" at Farmers Market

TerraCycle Include USA Solo Cup Recycling Program
BRIGANTINE — Volunteers Suzanne Marx and Jody Turner from the Atlantic County Library Foundation spoke about their nonprofit and how they support children and adult programs, such as school supply initiatives and summer reading programs. They raise funds and are a huge support enhancing Library resources and services. Children were mesmerized by face painter Paola, who made them all happy with sparkling, glittery smiling faces. The Farmers Market is grateful to the Brigantine branch of the Atlantic County Library System for sponsoring the facepainting. The Trivia Contest questions, “At the Library” were challenging this month but James Bucher was up to the challenge. Out of 85 participants, 28 had all 10 correct. Do you know who founded the nation’s first Library in 1731? It was Benjamin Franklin. Terry Andros and Kim Schenck from Insurance Agencies Inc. were the Spotlight on a Local Vendor. These personable ladies described their service-oriented agency and gave away great little gifts. The Perfect Peach Pie contest was exciting. Judges and chefs Christina Martin, Michael DiAngelo and Chris Dougherty had some tough decisions, but rose to the occasion in choosing three winners: in first place was Sossy Shishmanian, whose pie consisted of flour, cornstarch and a little spice. She explained that she chose “ripe and dense peaches” and she generally “bakes them a lot so they are not soggy and the crust is nice and tan.” She won a $100 gift card. Patrizia Violente won second place and a $75 gift card for her Peach Torta (tasted by the author — so delicious), and third place was Sandra Carberry, who won a $50 gift card. Slices of pie were then sold for $1 each and the $65 collected will go to the Marine Mammal Stranding Center at the end of the season after all contests are completed. Johnny Vibe and the Foot Petals, aka Bruce Gito, played his heart out while sitting in the sun in front of the gazebo. Everyone just loves him, and he had groups of children singing along with him! Stephanie Silverman’s Fine Art and Original Paintings were a hit, with a variety of new pieces and some miniature beach scenes. Popo Flanigan, fine art painter, was selling and will continue to sell her license plates, trivets and other inventory items for 50% off. There are some great deals. Popo stated, “I just want to paint — selling all.” Kelly Lentz, professional photographer, said she is “streamlining also” and had some items at 50% off as well as $15 Grab Bags. On Saturday, Aug. 17, the Farmers Market will celebrate Woodstock’s 50th anniversary. Volunteers will be dressed in lively tie-dyed shirts. Thank them for all that they do at the market. They are amazing, unselfish people who get up early on Saturday mornings and give of their time to build a strong sense of community that we all share. If you wish to volunteer, please leave your name and email at the Information tent. The Atlantic County Library System will host Bookstock in the Park. They will not only have books, but also handmade items in a variety of media that will reflect the Woodstock era. And they will have beautiful giveaways. If you wish to participate in the Alice B. Toklas Brownie Fest, bring your brownies made from scratch with legal ingredients, and the written recipe, to the Demo tent between 9 and 9:30 a.m. Please be prompt as the judging will begin at 9:45. Children will make flower child wooden face masks. Please bring clean jars, large enough to make snow globes, to the Children’s Activity area to be used on Aug. 24. The Fun Wave Band will play some oldies from the era.
Lora Constantine, Art in the Park coordinator, scheduled Bead Artist Kelly Petrillo for Aug. 17, stating it would be a great match for the Woodstock celebration. Her art is called Kelly’s Kreations. She creates beautiful art work with beads on canvas ranging in sizes from 9-by-12 inches to 16-by-20 inches with mats and frames as finished products. The Brigantine Beach Cultural Arts commission will be the Spotlight on Community. George Loza, local Brigantine architect, and Berkshire Hathaway Fox Real Estate will be at the Chamber tent. The Green Team tent will focus on health and wellness, so bring your questions to John Addrizzo and his team. Keep collecting red Solo Cups for the recycling collection Aug. 24. The Green Team is partnering with Terra Cycle to recycle these cups, which do not go into our regular recycling bins. Drop off school supplies Aug. 17 for children in need at the Green Team tent: backpacks, lunch bags, notebooks, folders, three-ring binders, pencil cases, regular and colored pencils, glue sticks, pens and markers. Remember to bring your own reusable bags and water in reusable containers, as we are a plastic-free market. The market is 8 a.m. to noon every Saturday, rain or shine. Follow us @BrigantineFarmersMarket.