Art All Day returns to Trenton with new sites, artists, activities

TerraCycle Include USA
A new maker space for artists, the season debut of New Jersey’s only indoor skate park, and contemporary creativity from current members of Trenton’s oldest African-American Baptist congregation – Hanover Creative, Freedom Skate Park and Shiloh Baptist Church will all be first-time-ever participants in Art All Day, Trenton’s open studio and creative space tour, from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2. Other returning favorite sites include TerraCycle, site of the Jersey Fresh Graffiti Jam, the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF), showcasing artists in its historic headquarters in Trenton’s vibrant Hispanic Chambersburg neighborhood, the Trenton Photo Club at the historic Mill Hill Saloon, and Blacksmith of Trenton, operating continuously at the same site in Trenton since 1863. New murals, art installations and artistic crosswalks, painted at several intersections throughout the city, as well as the recently restored 1993 public art installation by world-famous video artist Nam June Paik, are highlighted in walking, bicycle and trolley tours throughout the day. Art All Day’s hallmark of live mural painting and artist demonstrations will continue at multiple sites this year. Art All Day is for all ages, with live children’s activities at the New Jersey State Museum, Roberto Clemente Park and the Trenton Community A-Team studio. A reception at Artworks’ galleries, featuring the Art All Day participating artist group show and a solo show by Trenton photographer Habiyb Shu’aib, will follow the tour, from 6 to 8 p.m. On Nov. 2, visitors can park for free at Artworks, pick up a map/program and explore sites themselves, or sign up for guided tours. A mobile site map and information on the event, and participating artists and sites, is available at artworkstrenton.org/artallday.