Are Solo cups recyclable? The answer may surprise you

TerraCycle Solo Cup Include USA
Question:    Can I recycle red or blue solo cups?   Answer: Solo cups are made out of number six plastic called polystyrene, the same type of plastic that toys, and Styrofoam are made out of. In Western Massachusetts, our local recycling facility does not accept this type of plastic. However, you do have some options. There is a company called Terracycle that does recycle Solo cups and other types are plastics that are hard to recycle. They offer a program where you can buy a box and once you fill it, it’s picked up to be recycled. They offer recycling for many different types of hard to recycle items. The other option you have is to not buy Solo cups. Encourage teams to bring their own water bottles or use glasses at home parties. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!