April 22nd is earth day

TerraCycle Include USA
The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970, celebrated across the country by people concerned with environmental issues. The date was chosen because April 22 is the first day of spring in the Northern hemisphere and the first day of fall in the Southern hemisphere . What can you do to honor the day? Here are some organizations to help you find recycling locations in your area. TerraCycle http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/ A company whose byword is “Outsmart Waste” is dedicated to eliminating of the idea of waste. It converts previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste into many products in over 20 countries. Earth911 http://earth911.com/ Recycle something you no longer need. List a material or item and your zip code to find a location that recycles the material you have. Call 2 Recycle http://www.call2recycle.org/ This company is the only free rechargeable battery and cell phone collection program in North America. Their slogan is “Make every day Earth Day.” AARP Recycling Guide http://www.aarp.org/politics-society/environment/recycling-guide/ Select an item from their list to find an organization that recycles it, from batteries to golf balls to wheelchairs. Better World Books http://www.betterworldbooks.com This organization has re-used, donated, or recycled over 73 million books. That’s 99 million pounds of materials that stayed out of the landfill. Great for the planet. Donate your books, then buy other books from them. As Call 2 Recycle says, let’s make every day Earth Day.