America Recycles Day

TerraCycle Include USA
America Recycles Day is Friday, Nov. 15. This is a nationwide program organized by Keep America Beautiful to help Americans learn to recycle correctly.   The Case Western Reserve University Office of Energy & Sustainability will help the campus community participate in America Recycles Day by collecting hard-to-recycle items Nov. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Tinkham Veale University Center atrium.   At the event, members of the community can recycle end-of-life shoes, small electronics and more. Individuals can bring the following to be recycled Friday:  
  • Cell phones and small electronics
  • Small broken electronics less than 10 lbs (this includes small broken appliances, though individuals are asked to shake out the crumbs and coffee grounds first)
  • Plastic cosmetic containers and tubes (get more information about what is accepted)
  • Political yard signs
  • Broken string lights (holiday lights)
  Shoes will go to TerraCycle, while all other items will go to the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District’s drop-off site. County residents also can drop-off items at the site during posted office hours.   Find events, drop-off locations and a recycling pledge on the America Recycles Day website.   Learn more about recycling on campus on the CWRU Office of Energy & Sustainability’s website.