Ada Vista school takes top 'green' honors at county Earth Day celebration in Caledonia

TerraCycle Include USA
Forest Hills Ada Vista Elementary is the first school in West Michigan to receive the Evergreen Award, which is the highest level that a school can achieve under the Michigan Green School program. The school will be honored at the Kent County award ceremony at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday at the Caledonia Fine Arts Center. One of the green programs Ada Vista students have undertaken is collecting recycling and terracycling during lunchtime. Terracycle is a company that pays nonprofit organizations to collect materials that cannot otherwise be recycled and turns them into new items for sale. So far this school year, Ada Vista students have earned $721 from terracyle and saved 670 pounds of waste from going into landfills. For more information on the program visit http://www.terracycle.net/. Also coming this week to celebrate Earth Day, Ada Vista will show some of the "green" programs the students have started by holding an "art prize" in which all of the pieces either need to be made from recycled materials or be about an environmental topic. The art will be on display in the hallway for the entire week.