A Treasure Trove: Upcycling and Recycling Trash

capri-sun Honest Kids Include USA
A pioneer in upcycling has been TerraCycle. Called the Google of garbage by The Telegraph, the company started producing organic fertilizer by packaging liquid worm poop in used soda bottles. Since then, the idea has grown to include products ranging from kites to boomboxes. TerraCycle takes simple household items, which most might consider garbage, and turns them into useful and simultaneously cool products. The company collects things like candy wrappers and toothbrushes, and pretty much everything in between. Want a fence built from recycled juice pouches?? Done! Since Terracycle identifies waste material and finds an alternative use for it by mimicking the shape and composition of the original material, new products can be in full production in a matter of weeks. Called the "With upcycling, you value all aspects of the item and don’t treat any aspect of it as waste. So, for example, we have yogurt cups we’re making into gardening pots. We say, Let’s not melt it down, but find a new use," said TerraCycle's founder and CEO Tom Szaky, as quoted in Ode Magazine.