5 Ways to Make Outdoor Excursions with Your Pet More Eco-Friendly

TerraCycle Include USA Wellness

5. Choose pet foods and treats in recyclable packaging

Wellness CORE Mini Meals recyclable packaging
All Wellness and Wellness CORE soft pouches for dogs and cats are now recyclable with TerraCycle.
  Same as packing a reserve of trail mix, fresh fruit, and energy chews for yourself, bringing your choice of healthy pet foods and treats keeps the adventure going in the great outdoors. Keep garbage off the trail and out of landfills by choosing pet food brands that are either packaged in highly recyclable glass or aluminum, or hosts programs that accepts the packaging that isn’t accepted curbside. Wellness Natural Pet Food takes responsibility for its plastics packaging and makes it easy for pet owners to recycle it for free with the Wellness Pet Food Recycling Program. As of Earth Month 2019, all of Wellness' plastic packaging, including Wellness CORE and Wellness pouches for dogs and cats are now accepted through the program! Bonus: the more you recycle, the more points you earn in exchange for a cash donation to your favorite environmental charity.