5 UK Brands That Offer Refillable Beauty Products

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Most of us know about the waste produced by industries like food and fashion, but one that can be overlooked is the beauty industry. A lot of the traditional packaging holding your favourite lotions, creams, and serums is difficult to recycle, resulting in a hell of a lot of waste. But thankfully, brands are taking it upon themselves to make a change for the better. Here's a few UK-based beauty brands that offer refillable products.   As Refinery29 reports, it is estimated that 12 billion tonnes of beauty packaging will be in landfill by 2050. In fact, around 30 to 40 percent of current landfill waste is down to cosmetics packaging, notes Women's Health. While some brands are going down the commendable zero packaging route, others are introducing refill pouches and pods. So not only do you usually get a discount on your regular products, but you'll also help less waste end up where it shouldn't.   Right now, it's common for a select few products to be refillable. But the more you support these efforts, the more brands will realise that this is the way forward. Some are already thinking ahead. REN Clean Skincare has teamed up with recycling company TerraCycle to launch six of their bestselling products in special glass bottles that aim to be refilled more than 100 times. They're not available just yet, but keep your eyes peeled.   In the meantime, there's plenty of other sustainably-minded beauty names to know about.