5 Things You Can't Recycle and What MTU is Doing About It

TerraCycle Include USA
Huskies at Michigan Technological University Sustainability Demonstration House (SDH) are hosting the Keweenaw's first waste reduction drive to kick off Earth Week 2020. Start sorting now, and bring your household collection to Fisher Hall on the MTU Campus from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 18.   1. Batteries   Michigan Tech is helping to lead the way nationally with lithium-ion battery recycling research and we're also part of the local grassroots effort to properly recycle alkaline batteries. Alkaline batteries collected April 18 will be taken to Remy Battery of Houghton, which in turn delivers them to the company's headquarters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.   Remy always accepts alkaline batteries and some other kinds. You can also drop off batteries at Michigan Tech's Campus Bookstore and at Swift's Hardware in downtown Houghton, too.   But don't mail batteries anywhere; it's not safe.   2. Plastic bottle caps and rings   MTU students turn milk jugs into recycled 3D printing filament and use fused particle fabrication to print their own skateboards (and other sports equipment). But bottle caps and rings aren't currently accepted for recycling in Keweenaw. Caps and rings collected April 18 will be transformed into kitchenware by Preserve.   Most caps and rings need to be removed from bottles or jugs.   "Recycling is a science that needs to be mastered in order to be an effective waste reduction measure. Each city has a set of recycling guidelines that should be followed to a T. Once you're aware of what belongs in the bin, each item needs to be properly prepared individually."   3. Any plastic bag with a recycling number   The bad news is, bags jam most recycling machines. The good news is, any bag with a recycling number on it -- not just shopping bags -- can be dropped off at the plastic bag collection site at the Houghton Walmart, which is where bags collected April 18 will go. Walmart ships bags to a plastic-bag specific recycling plant.   "Almost everyone can look in their kitchen right now and find multiple plastic bags with recycling numbers," Turner said. "We first want to ensure that people are saving these plastic bags from the landfill and bringing them to the drive. Second, we want to make sure everyone becomes aware of the amazing plastic bag recycling that Walmart offers for our community."   Common examples of plastic bags that can be recycled: bread bags, carrot and other produce bags, grocery bags, plastic packaging bags, newspaper sleeves, and frozen vegetable bags.   4. Any foil-lined granola/energy bar wrapper   Nearly 60% of Michigan Tech's entering class each year ranks in the top 20% of their high school class, with average SAT scores of 1263. But Michigan Tech takes academic rigor to new levels. With full course loads and more than 220 organizations claiming extracurricular time, it's no wonder many Huskies rely on an energy bar boost to get through a busy day. Maybe they're a staple around your house, too? Clean, dry, foil-lined wrappers will be collected April 18 to be melted into hard plastic by TerraCycle.   Clean and dry is a recycling rule. Dirty items can contaminate an entire collection.   5. Styrofoam and cardboard egg cartons   Farm-to-table is a Keweenaw tradition (and since 2013 MTU's Wadsworth Residence Hall Sustainable Garden has been growing herbs and veggies for students across campus to enjoy). Collected egg cartons will go to local farmers for reuse.   Cardboard egg cartons can usually be recycled. But foam? Never. Consider purchasing eggs that come in cardboard egg cartons.