38 Virtual Earth Day Activities and Events to Celebrate the Planet from Home

TerraCycle Include USA
image.png April 22, 2020 marks the 50 year anniversary of Earth Day. The holiday was first celebrated in 1970 and has since become a global celebration of environmental protection in more than 193 countries. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of this year’s Earth Day celebrations are now being held virtually. The great part is that it’s now much easier to attend events from all over the world in your own home! This guide includes virtual events and activities that take place during Earth Month (April) and on Earth Day (April 22). I’ve also included educational resources for students and activities that you can do at home to make your abode more sustainable. I’ll be updating this post throughout the month but if you come across another virtual event or resource that you’d like added to the post, shoot me an email at jessica.califano@temboo.com. image.png