
While some electronics manufacturers will allow for the salvaging of certain reusable parts from their used products, Apple insists they be destroyed, an effort to thwart the production of fake Apple products. That's according to Tim Culpan writing for Bloomberg.com, which covered the exacting security measures the company requires its e-scrap recycling contractors to follow. TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based company specializing in recovering a variety of difficult-to-recycle materials, launched a new mail-in programs applicable to e-scrap. The company is working with Staples.com to sell boxes in which a variety of materials, including electronics, can be mailed for recycling.

Staples Now Selling Recycle-by-Mail Boxes

Office workers across North America know that a lot of their daily waste is recyclable—those leaky pens that don’t write, reams of office printouts, plastic bottles from rushed lunches—but it’s been a hard sell to get near full sustainability. Landlords have slowly come around to offer recycling bins and other methods, though at times only to appease green-minded CEOs.

Concorso “Corriamo a riciclare”

StraLugano presenta il nuovo concorso “Corriamo a riciclare” aperto a tutte le scuole elementari e medie, che rappresenta la piu’ grande campagna di riciclaggio di materiale scolastico usato lanciata in Canton Ticino. Con la preziosa collaborazione di BIC e Terracycle, partners in questo progetto, vogliamo promuovere i valori che ci stanno a cuore, Sport e Ambiente, proponendo un concorso a tutti gli allievi ed allieve delle scuole Elementari e Medie del Canton Ticino, che ha per scopo la raccolta di materiale di scrittura da riciclare e la costruzione di contenitori per il riciclo.