TerraCycle: Pionierprojekt mit Colgate-Palmolive zum Recycling von Zahnbürsten

Seit 1. April 2013 können sich alle, die ihre Zahnpflegeprodukte nachhaltig entsorgen möchten, auf der Webseite von TerraCycle anmelden und kostenlos an dem Recycling-Programm teilnehmen. "Gesammelt wird am besten in einer größeren Gruppe, zum Beispiel im Büro oder in einer Schule, damit die Abfälle schneller in größeren Menge zusammenkommen", rät Schnelle. Nicht nur die Spendengelder, auch die Versandkosten für die Abfallpakete werden von Colgate finanziert.

Local annual Earth Day celebration moving to Bluffton

Local environmental awareness nonprofit Experience Green will move its annual Earth Day celebrations from Hilton Head Island to Bluffton this month. Instead of taking place at Shelter Cove Community Park on Hilton Head as it did the last two years, the third annual celebration will be at Carson Cottages on Calhoun Street in Old Town. The festivities -- which include cooking demonstrations, live music and an obstacle course -- will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 27. Admission is free. Abby Wirth, program manager for Experience Green, said the organization moved the celebration to Bluffton to try to expand its reach.

Candy wrapper collection to provide more than 400 meals to hungry Americans

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State has collected more than 10,000 candy wrappers during its 2012–2013 season. Through an innovative recycling program, that translates into more than 400 free meals for hungry Americans. Thanks to a TerraCycle program called the Candy Wrapper Brigade, which awards points for each wrapper collected, the Center for the Performing Arts is able to provide 415 meals through Feeding America. The charity, with a mission to provide nourishment to America’s hungry, uses a nationwide network of member food banks.

HEALTH: No idle mother: Sheetal Patcheak's crusade to reduce engine idling in Washtenaw County

Today, Sheetal is the Michigan Green Schools Committee Coordinator for EACA. With the steadfast support of Principal Leonard she continues to battle idling. She also established schoolwide in-classroom paper and plastic recycling. Every month she personally sorts hundreds of cheese wrappers and juice pouches for Terracycle, an upcycling service that pays for school’s trash, which they turn into new items like backpacks and birdfeeders. So far the school has earned about $200 that they plan to use for a wildlife garden.

Marit gjør en innsats for miljøet og samler inn penger til veldedighet

Marit Villmo fra Dal ble en av de første i Akershus som hjalp å gi dette TASSIMO-avfallet nytt liv.“Jeg er opptatt av miljøet, og prøver å leve så miljøvennlig som jeg kan i det daglige.” ”Det er enkelt å bestille forsendelsesetikett på nett og ‘bli kvitt’ kapslene kostnadsfritt, og det er kjempefint at det også blir gitt penger til til veldedige formål. Selv kunne jeg tenke meg å bidra med donasjoner til UNICEF eller Leger Uten Grenser.”