Beaucoup de déchets ne font pas partie des consignes de tri des déchets car ils sont pour la plupart trop petits (pots de yaourts, stylos, capsules de café...), c'était sans compter sur TerraCycle, dont la devise est "éliminons la notion de déchets" !
Klimatförändringar är något som länge har rapporterats i media. Förespråkare har i flera år varnat om effekterna som kommer av att släppa ut för mycket växthusgaser.
חברות שמשתמשות בכלים סביבתיים לצורך שיווקי סופגות על כך לא מעט ביקורת. אך אם הן באמת פועלות למען הסביבה ותוך כדי כך תדמיתם משתפרת - כל הצדדים מרוויחים.
As consumers we make a choice with every purchase. Not to sound preachy, but we should be aware of where we spend our hard earned dollars. And thankfully, for those who are spending wisely, it actually seems to be working! As more and more green brands enter the spotlight, it seems that more and more environmentally friendly brands are available to us. And with our demand, big business is taking notice as well.
Lors de l'assemblée générale de l'AGAS, il a été rappelé qu'un recyclage des stylos usagés est organisé par celle-ci grâce à l'entreprise Terracycle dans le but de venir en aide à une association humanitaire.
Los alumnos del Colegio Camilo Hernández recolectan sus instrumentos de escritura para darle a este tipo de desechos una solución sostenible y al mismo tiempo, conseguir dinero para una asociación sin ánimo de lucro.
TerraCycle, a company that works with local groups to encourage recycling of difficult-to-recycle products, has named Immanuel Lutheran School in Loveland as one of its top-five collectors.
9. Recycle. Recycling is a great way for kids to get involved in taking care of the planet. Talk to your kids about the items that wind up in the recycling bin and how they can be recycled into new products. Or you can also check out some of the recycling opportunities available from groups like
TerraCycle where you can earn money for your school or community organization by collecting items like candy wrappers or juice pouches so that they can be remade into cool new stuff.
TerraCycle takes potato chip wrappers, foil wrappers from candy bars and other junk food, as well as department store plastic bags, and uses these materials to create a variety of items from messenger bags to office supplies. To find out more about their products and how you can contribute to this fun creative recycling process, go to
Lisa Matson, 18, of Grayslake picks up trash at the College of Lake County campus in Grayslake during an Earth Day cleanup hosted by the Environmental Club. | Joe Shuman~For Sun-Times Media