Mælkelåg støtter Hold Danmark Rent

Fem øre pr. styk. Det er, hvad lågene på mælke-og yoghurt-kartoner nu kan indbringe. Og de mange bække små kan doneres til et godt formål, som eksempelvis Hold Danmark Rent. Arla Harmonie er gået sammen med TerraCycle Danmark om indsamlingsprogrammet, som skal forhindre, at mange millioner plastiklåg ender på forbrændingen eller i naturen.

Ferri Middle School Joins National Recycling Milestone

Johnston students helped raise more than $7 million for charity through the TerraCycle Brigade Program.
In recognition of April being "Earth Month," recycling pioneer TerraCycle is celebrating reaching $7 million donated to schools and charities across the country and around the world with help from groups in Rhode Island.

Far Hills Country Day School's Director of Sustainability, Priscilla Hayes, wins Garden State Green Award

Far Hills Country Day School (FHCDS) is proud to announce that Priscilla Hayes, Director of Sustainability for the school, has won the Garden State Green Award sponsored by Kean University. The Garden State Green Award honors individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to the environment through preservation, reclamation or conservation activities; advocacy and pursuit of ‘green’ lifestyles or business practices; support or development of green/sustainable energy or energy conservation. Honorees have brought attention to a problem, pursued solutions, or inspired action and must have demonstrated that we can “Save the Planet, One Person at a Time.”

Ny dille? Nu skal der samles låg

Arla Harmonie præsenterer sammen med virksomheden TerraCycle Danmark indsamlingsprogrammet, som skal forhindre, at mange millioner plastiklåg ender på forbrændingen. I stedet skal de små tingester omdannes til bænke, skraldespande eller vandkander.