El Centro Formación Somorrostro ha colaborado a lo largo de todo el año con el Proyecto Terracycle. El objetivo es reducir los residuos que acaban en los vertederos e incineradoras, convirtiéndolos en nuevos productos económicos y respetuosos con el medio ambiente, lo que reduce el empleo de nuevas materias primas y minimiza el impacto ambiental.

Tom Szaky: TerraCycle

Tom Szaky planted the seed for TerraCycle in his dorm room at Princeton University in 2001. The then-college-freshman discovered the organic fertilizing properties of worm poop, and with it realized a sustainable way to turn waste into a sellable product. Szaky dropped out of Princeton to found TerraCycle, one of the fastest growing eco-companies in the world. TerraCycle is eliminating “the idea of waste” by creating collection and solution systems for traditionally landfill-bound materials. TerraCycle converts their collected waste into a wide variety of products to be sold by major retailers like Walmart and Whole Foods Market. To date, TerraCycle has collected waste from more than 20 million people, diverted billions of units of waste from landfills, and created over 1,500 different upcycled products for sale in the marketplace.

Socially. Good. Business.

TerraCycle has created a network of waste collection programs they call “Brigades,” each catering to a specific type of non-recyclable, or difficult-to-recycle waste. then they take it and re- or upcycle it into new, awesome stuff like fences and purses. although their goal of creating waste solutions for anything that must be sent to a landfill or incinerator is pretty outstanding, they’ve figured out a way to make saving the earth even sweeter. most Brigades offer free shipping, and the more you send in, the more “points” you can rack up, which can be cashed in later for your choice of charitable donations or gifts. HOW TO GET INVOLVED step one: make an account on the TerraCycle website for your office, store, school, neighborhood, large Italian family, etc. this will allow you to print out shipping labels and keep track of all the points you’ll get for your collected waste. step two: pick a brigade that makes sense for your organization. what do you find you use the most? there are over forty brigades to choose from (food wrappers! cell phones! flip flops! cigarette butts!), and guess what. you can join as many as you want. for example, over here at SGB, we’re signed up for the multistream, dairy tub, chip bag, and energy bar Brigades. check out our starting collection! boy, are we excited or what. step three: start collecting! be sure to check out the guidelines for each brigade; they each have their own minimum weight requirements for receiving points. but don’t worry too much about that--any size of shipment is accepted, and points or no, saving the earth is the biggest reward! TerraCycle also offers a handy “Collect, Store, and Ship Guide” with tips on how to make your collecting life easier and more effective. step four: cash in your points for awesomeness. once you meet any weight requirement, each piece of waste equals one cent towards the non-profit/school of your choice, or you can also choose to redeem points for your choice of charitable gifts, like planting a tree, providing meals or protecting endangered lands. wanna get your biz involved? contact us @ thegoodstuff@sociallygoodbusiness.com if you’re interested in teaming up with us to start a Terracycle Brigade at your office, university, non-profit, etc.! wanna know more? TerraCycle was founded in 2001 by a Princeton freshman who got his start by making organic fertilizer out of worm poop and packaging it in used soda bottles. if that’s not recycling at it’s best, who knows what is. they’re currently collecting waste from over 20 countries, and selling their 1,500 (give or take) recycled products at major retailers like Walmart and Whole Foods, among tons of other places. finished with a TerraCycle product? send it back; they promise to recycle it again (for points! again!).