Lt. Gov. Brian Calley announces plan to recycle thousands of plastic bottles in Flint

A plan to recycle the thousands of plastic bottles being distributed to Flint residents during the water emergency was announced today by a coalition of state, Genesee County and City of Flint partners. Lt. Gov. Brian Calley said the goal is to provide residents with several convenient options. “While bottled water has been key to making sure residents have safe drinking water, it’s important to make sure we’re not harming our environment as a result,” Calley said. “The new recycling initiative brings together state, county and city partners to make sure we are keeping plastic bottles from entering landfills or littering Flint streets.”

Fontenay-le-Fleury : collecte solidaire de stylos

La « Brigade des instruments d’écriture » : derrière cette dénomination se cache une opération solidaire organisée par TerraCycle pour l’association l’enfant@l’hôpital. Le pôle handicap de la commune de Fontenay-le-Fleury a décidé de s’y associer.
Il s’agit de collecter les crayons usagés et de les transformer en dons. A titre d’exemple, pour 20 kg de stylos récoltés, l’association touche 40 €. Pour ce faire, des boîtes sont placées dans différents points de la ville dont une à l’accueil de la mairie. L’enfant@l’hôpital met ensuite à disposition les technologies numériques au service des enfants malades et des handicapés hospitalisés.

3D Brooklyn makes 3D printer filament out of non-recyclable plastics

Most of the single use plastic that comes into our lives can be recycled, but there are some items like chip and snack bags that can't go in the recycling bin. 3D Brooklyn has partnered with TerraCycle, the company known for recycling materials that aren't typically recyclable, to produce something new and useful from that waste plastic. TerraCycle takes the plastic snack bags that they collect and turns them into plastic pellets that they send to 3D Brooklyn where the pellets are then made into an ABS plastic filament.