Got old VTech & LeapFrog Toys? Now You Can Recycle Them For Free

TerraCycle Include USA Vtech
When I look back on all of A.J.’s old electronic devices and his very first tablets or electronic games as a preschooler, I either donated them or passed them along to a family friend. But then what? I don’t know where they ended up when they eventually stopped working. They’re considered eWaste. They’re the electronic devices we use, get tired of, and often don’t know how to dispose of. Or if we toss them in the trash, they’ll be in landfills for more years than we want to count. Adults may be guilty of collecting phones, tablets and laptops that sit around. Unfortunately, our children are not too far behind. The devices they love can be donated or re-sold, but at some point, they end up in the trash. Just in time for the 2020 holiday season, VTech and LeapFrog partnered with a recycling company so you can toss your child’s old electronic learning tools without feeling like you could do something greener.

Eligible Toys for Recycling

A select group of VTech and LeapFrog toys can be recycled at no cost to you. Chances are you have at least one of them sitting around in a toy box. Eligible VTech and LeapFrog toys range from infant, to toddler to preschoolers. Here’s the rest of the eligible toy list.