Bliss x TerraCycle Debut Recycling Program

TerraCycle Include USA Bliss
image.png Bliss skin care brand has partnered with TerraCycle for the Bliss Recycling Program in which consumers can send in expended personal care products and packaging to be recycled for free. Previously: TerraCycle's Loop Expands to Full US Mainland Consumers can sign up for the program and send in all Bliss products including flexible and rigid plastic, pumps, sprays, packets, pouches, tubes, jars and complex closures. Once collected, the packaging is cleaned and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products. TerraCycle CEO and founder, Tom Szaky, said: “Through the launch of this recycling program, Bliss is achieving their goal of helping everyone experience unapologetic happiness by guiding consumers to focus not only on the wellness of the skin, but on the wellness of the planet." Meri Baregamian, CEO of Bliss, said: “We know that our shoppers care not only about what they’re putting on their bodies, but also the implications their choices have on the environment and world around them. We are thrilled to be entering this partnership with TerraCycle to ensure that our products are not only efficacious, but environm­entally friendly. This marks the first step in Bliss’ sustaina­bility initiatives and we are excited to continue evolving our products to be cleaner and more sustainable.”