Recycle Your Loctite Adhesive Containers!

TerraCycle Include USA Henkel Loctite
Henkel has partnered with TerraCycle to create a program that enables assemblers to recycle empty Loctite adhesive packaging and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills or incinerators. Based in Trenton, NJ, TerraCycle offers recycling options for items that are typically nonrecyclable. TerraCycle was founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, then a student at Princeton University, with a goal of eliminating the idea of waste. Since then, the company has grown into the global leader in collecting and repurposing hard-to-recycle waste. Operating in more than 20 countries, TerraCycle has engaged over 80 million people and recycled billions of pieces of waste. Assemblers can purchase a postage-paid recycling box to collect their used Loctite adhesive containers. Once full, the box is sent to TerraCycle, where the contents will be recycled. Assemblers order recycling boxes through their local Henkel distributor or Loctite sales rep. The boxes come in three sizes: small, medium and large.