The Best Zero-Waste Deodorants for a Sustainable Scent

TerraCycle Include USA Credo Beauty
You've made the sweaty, possibly smelly, aluminum-expelling switch from an antiperspirant to natural deodorant. The hard part is over! However, if you made the switch to benefit the Earth as well as your 'pits, you should know: not all-natural deodorants are eco-friendly.
If you're on a mission to live more sustainably, your next stop is to look for products that are zero-waste, a movement that aims to buy and use products in a way that sends little to no trash to landfills. (See also: The 10 Best Natural Deodorants to Combat B.O. Sans Aluminum)
While zero-waste is an admirable goal (and buzzy industry term), there are some pitfalls: mainly, that even "zero waste" products can still create waste in the ingredient sourcing and production process. This is why a more helpful (and realistic) target is a circular system. "A circular system means that products and packaging are designed to either return to nature (such as composting) or return to the industrial system, (such as packaging that is recycled or, even better, refilled)," says Mia Davis, the director of environmental and social responsibility for Credo Beauty.