Revived Lafayette Oatmeal Festival sees large crowd despite wintry conditions

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Pittsfield, Maine has the Central Maine Egg Festival, replete with the world's largest frying pan. Gilroy, Calif., has the Gilroy Garlic Festival, featuring a Garlic Showdown. And Lafayette offers the Oatmeal Festival, which on Saturday celebrated its 23rd year.   But the long-lived tradition that began as a heart healthy study for Quaker Oats Co. was almost cut down in its prime in September, when star sponsor Quaker said it was pulling funding due to "tightening budgets and shifting priorities."   After a couple weeks of negotiations, the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce announced that the festival was back on with a blessing (and money) from Quaker.   "We're very excited that they came back," said Pat Vero, director of events and marketing for the chamber. "Obviously it was the outcry from the community that convinced them."   Vero said that many oatmeal devotees called and emailed the company after hearing about the kerfluffle with Quaker.   "Everybody was sad," Vero said. "A lot of people that come to this come every year."   In a statement from its media team, Quaker said it "is thrilled to continue to sponsor the Lafayette Oatmeal Festival, and we appreciated everyone's patience as we worked with the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce to evolve Quaker's presence at the festival.   "For 22 years the festival has been a vibrant celebration of all things oats, and as the leader in oats for more than 140 years, we are honored that you continue to welcome us into your community."   Despite being held the day after the first snow of 2019, the revived festival was still going strong, with more than 700 people signed up for the 5K run/walk. By 10 a.m., more than 1,000 people had walked through the doors of Pioneer Elementary for some of the 160 gallons of oatmeal served by local high school volunteers.   A new volunteer joined the crowd of teenagers this year. Rep. Jonathan Singer, D-11, came at 7:30 a.m. to help pass out ladled bowls of oats.   "I feel like it's a good way to meet the community," Singer said.   After receiving bowls of oatmeal, the crowd would into the topping room, where mother-daughter team Sue Dubach and Emma Donahue of Sage and Savor Catering in Boulder maintain order.   This year, Dubach said that some candy items were eliminated while basil and sundried tomatoes were added to the list of about 100 toppings. The basil, Donahue said, was a suggestion from Quaker.   Before she started working at the event 12 years ago, when she was still in high school, Donahue said she "didn't realize there was so many things you could put on oatmeal."   After so many years working the festival, she now prefers the pancakes.   Two surprising hits have been jalapenos and bacon. Dubach said they cooked 30 pounds of bacon this year — up from the 5 pounds when it was first introduced and went like hotcakes.   Hotcakes in the form of oatcakes were also served at the Oatmeal Festival, attracting many of the 5K runners after the race.   While waiting in line for an oatmeal muffin and oatcakes, Christine Roberts said it was her second time taking part in the 5K. She was worried when it was canceled earlier this year, she said, and excited when it came back.   "It's a great time to educate kids and families on clean eating," she said. Her kids also like oatmeal, she said.   Three-year-old Leo chowed down on his oatmeal this morning with his parents, JT and Katie Daiker. He topped his bowl off with fresh fruit and said his favorite topping was raspberries.   Katie Daiker said she thought an Oatmeal Festival was "a little unusual, but it sounded pretty fun."   Her family likes unusual festivals, she said, and participates in the annual Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland as well as the Lafayette Peach Festival. The amount of toppings at the Oatmeal Festival was most impressive to her.   "It's like froyo places, with all the toppings, but it's better than that," she said.   Once oat aficionados were down with their cakes and muffins and bowls, the Lafayette Waste Reduction Advisory Committee, in true Boulder County fashion, was waiting to take and sort their trash. Committee member Becky O'Brien said the program reached a 98 percent diversion rate last year and was on track to reach 98 or 99 percent this year.   Plastic is separated and taken to TerraCycle, a recycling company, and food is composted. The committee is also donating some leftover food to the residents of Josephine Commons, an affordable housing development for seniors.   Some food will also be fed to the pigs at 63rd St. Farm in Boulder, which are reportedly watching their cholesterol. Madeline St. Amour: 303-684-5212, mstamour@prairiemountainmedia.com