Posts with term Walmart X


HAWKS ... Starting April 5th, and for a limited time only during April, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be available in every Walmart across the country in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. Usually you have to order them online, so this is super cool. These are the products that they're making with the stuff YOU save. So keep on bringing all of your empty drink pouches, chip/cookie bags, candy/energy bar wrappers, Lunchable containers, Kashi product packaging, Elmer's Glue bottles and sticks, Scotch tape cores, Aveeno tubes, and Colgate toothpaste boxes! OUR contest (to earn your teacher a bag, your class a recycled art activity, and three top collecting students a pencil bag) will go through the second week in May. The Terracycle products will only be in Walmart THIS month!

Get Your TerraCycle Products At Walmart!

You might remember my previous post about Terracycle’s Big News, and I thought a reminder would be in order. You only have the month of April to get your own Terracycle goodies, so you’ll have to act fast. Here are the details from the Terracycle blog: A whole bunch of brand new TerraCycle items will be available, during April for a limited time only, at every single Walmart across the country. Starting April 5th, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be sold right next to the original items they were made from. Cheetos kites and tote bags made from Frito-Lay wrappers will be sold with bags of Frito-Lay chips, while notebooks and purses made out of skittles and M&M wrappers will be sold right next to bags of Mars Candy!


New Terracycle products are available at all Walmart stores in the US for the month of April in celebration of Earth Day. I love these products, I own several and I also run three brigades through them. I absolutely love that trash is getting turned into these useful and cool products. Kudos to Terracycle!!

TerraCycle Blog Contest

Turning Trash into products, TerraCycle uses innovation and creativity to recycle unwanted waste. Starting April 5th and for a limited time only, Walmart will sell TerraCycle products in each store across the United States in honor of the 40th Anniversart of Earth Day. Help promote the coming of TerraCycle to WalMart by entering into the TerraCycle Blog Contest. To enter, create a blog post about TerraCycle's products in Walmart. You can either re-post TerraCycle's pre-made blog post, or use your own words while sticking to the important facts. Each winner will receive $50 worth of TerraCycle Products. Enter now and promote sustainability!

Palmetto Elementary Turns Trash into Treasure

Teachers at Palmetto Elementary School used to see a lot of used drink pouches get thrown away.  Now they earn two cents for every one of those pouches they collect and return to a company called TerraCycle, who uses their non-recyclable waste to make affordable, eco-friendly products. This school year so far, the enthusiastic students at Palmetto have diverted over 15,500 pieces of waste from going into a landfill and this has earned their school over $300! “We found the Brigades to be a great opportunity to teach our students about recycling as well as help raise money for our school,” said Cindy Stavisky, the teacher who signed the school up for the program.  “With the money we earn, we are going to rebuild our Pre-K playground, making it more accessible for all students as well as an advanced educational environment!” The school is part of a free nationwide program called “Brigades®’ that pays schools and non-profits to collect non-recyclable waste that would otherwise go to landfill.  Now the programs are coming full circle back to Orlando through an exciting partnership with local WalmartÒ locations.

Products Made from Waste Available at Walmart Through April

TerraCycle collects waste which is normally non-recyclable, such as candy wrappers, chip bags, and juice pouches, and makes hundreds of eco-friendly products with them. This year, almost 60 of the company’s products will be sold in evert Walmart store across the US for the month of April, exposing millions of customers to these unique items, and perhaps sparking some conversations about the life cycle of products and packaging.

Walmart Celebrates Earth Day by Selling Upcycled Trash

Trenton, NJ — The market for products made from waste packaging is getting a big boost this month as Walmart stocks items made by TerraCycle at all of its stores. Walmart will offer 60 products made by TerraCycle, which collects packaging and trashed products to turn into usable goods, throughout April as part of its Earth Month campaign. Read more: http://www.greenbiz.com/news/2010/04/07/Walmart-Celebrates-Earth-Day-by-Selling-Upcycled-Trash#ixzz17RPqSOcp

Can Walmart and Small Mart Coexist?

Short answer?  They have to. Backstory: Albe Zakes from TerraCycle contacted me the other day.  He was a show guest on Mrs. Green a long time ago.  The TerraCycle story is a great one – young minds creating something from worm poop and making a successful business out it.  He wanted me to help spread the word that that Walmart was going to carry 60 of their products.  Big news indeed and the topic of another blog. It made me take the time to really think about the corporate giant that lots of people love to hate vs. the small business owners who are the backbone of our country – thus the term I stole from Michael Shuman – the Small Marts of the world. Can they coexist?