Posts with term Kool-Aid X

Kids show the way on recycling

In honour of Earth Month, TerraCycle Canada is recognizing its top 10 waste-collecting schools. Hamilton’s Holbrook Elementary School placed seventh, diverting 7,448 units of waste from landfills during the past six months – September 2011 to February 2012. The school collects drink pouches, personal care and beauty packaging, plastic diaper packaging, inkjets, e-waste (cell phones and laptops) and coffee packaging through Brigades® programs sponsored by brands such as Kool-Aid, Garnier, Huggies and Tas- simo. Holbrook School earns anywhere from two points (equal to $0.02) to 500 points (equal to $5.00) for every piece of waste received.

Knights of the Green Table at QE Public School runners-up

They’ve done it again! Queen Elizabeth School’s Knights of the Green Table Eco Club has taken the second runner-up prize in TerraCycle Canada’s recent Winter Trash to Cash waste collection contest, which recognizes the top collectors of TerraCycle’s numerous waste streams from across Canada during a two-month period.