Posts with term Fairy X

Llegan las primeras botellas de plásticos reciclados para dar una segunda vida a los residuos

Coincidiendo con el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, que se celebra cada 5 de junio, h&s, Fairy y Carrefour presentan las primeras botellas de champú y lavavajillas hechas con plástico recogido en las playas y océanos. Esta acción forma parte de la campaña #PlayaSinPlastico, que invita a toda la población a reciclar los residuos que se encuentren tanto en los arenales como en el mar.

Guest Blog: The Fight Against Ocean Plastic

The global World Oceans Day is June 8 (originally celebrated at the urging of Canada in 1992), but every day is a good day to find and cultivate ways to engage communities and make resources for clean ocean actions accessible. My company TerraCycle teamed up with Procter & Gamble, one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world, to create bottles made with recycled beach plastic for Head & Shoulders (the #1 shampoo brand in the world) and Fairy (the UK’s #1 dishwashing brand) in Europe.  

Fighting ocean plastics at the source

In Muncar, on the coast of East Java, Indonesia, fishers still make their living the traditional way, launching from the shore in the hand-painted boats they have used for generations. But that doesn’t mean that this harbor town is untouched by time. Plastic waste is mounting on the riverbanks and in the waters around Muncar. Some probably lurks within the fish brought ashore on the boats. Muncar is the second-largest fishing port in Indonesia, but it has barely a semblance of a waste management infrastructure. Dorothea Wiplinger, the sustainability manager for Austrian plastics maker Borealis, was on the ground in Muncar recently studying the problem. She says nearly 90% the garbage, mostly organic waste, that local inhabitants generate is either dumped haphazardly or burned. “You cannot see the sand anymore because the beaches are just full of waste. And then the high tide takes the waste away,” she says. “The people there don’t have any other choice.”

100 percent ‘OceanBound’ plastics bottle released

Envision Plastics has launched a bottle made completely from materials at risk of becoming marine debris. The reclaimer says its first 100 percent OceanBound plastic container is being used by Primal Group’s Vita brand of personal care products. “Envision is proud of the work we are doing by collecting and recycling OceanBound Plastic, but we are excited that it was able to displace 100 percent of the virgin resin in the bottle and colorant,” Dan Ferus, general manager of Envision Plastics, stated in a press release.