Posts with term Brita X

Your recyclables can equal cash for SVE Schools

Less trash for you equals money for the Spencer-Van Etten School District. That is, once you drop off your old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, chip bags, printer ink cartridges and a myriad of other items at any of the four convenient locations in SVE. Locations include Vibe Hair Studio located at 133 Route 224 in Van Etten, the Van Etten Library located at 83 Main St., and at Shurfine located at 15 N. Main St. in Spencer and the Spencer Library located at 41 N. Main St. And, as most of these items are not accepted for curbside pickup, you really will be lessening the amount of trash you’ll need to put out, as well as your contribution to humanity’s landfills. Terracycling (www.terracycle.com), something the SVE schools have been doing since the spring of 2008, has thus far netted $ 6,698 for anything related to students’ “Green Education”. Some of the programs and activities have included: guest speakers, Green Week programming each April, educational field trips and experiences, as well as supplemental classroom supplies and activities. And now, with the expansion of the program to include community residents without children in school, more items can be collected, further reducing the waste stream while making more money available to the SVE School District for continuing education. Consider saving and dropping off your items at any of the collection points noted. Waste items accepted for Terracycling include Brita Filters; chip bags – chips, tortillas, pretzels, pita, and bagel chips, soy crisps, and salty snack bags; cereal bags, plastic cereal bags from bagged cereal and liners; energy bar wrappers – foil-lined wrappers for energy, granola, meal replacement, protein, and diet bars; Cliff Products – SHOT, Twisted Fruit, Roks, Bloks and Gels wrappers; oral care items – toothpaste tubes and caps, tooth brushes, floss containers; personal care and beauty items – lipstick cases, mascara, eye shadow and liner cases, tubes, and pencils; shampoo and conditioner bottles, foundation packaging, body wash containers, soap tubes and dispensers, lotion dispensers, shaving foam tubes (no cans), powder cases, lotion bottles and tubes, chapstick tubes, face soap dispensers and tubes, face lotion bottles and jars, concealer tubes and sticks, lipliner pencils, hand lotion tubes, hair gel tubes. Not accepted are hairspray cans, nail polish bottles and nail polish remover bottles. For more information, feel free to contact Brenda Anderson, the SVE District Sustainability coordinator, at 589-7120.

How a Zero Waste Lifestyle Can Save You Money

Could you fit all the trash you generate each year into a single mason jar? Although it might sound impossible, it’s a feat attained by regular people across the country who are joining the zero waste movement.   Zero waste practitioners seek to get their net trash output to zero. Some even take to social media to tout fitting all their trash for an entire year into a small mason jar. While most people won’t be able or willing to reduce their total household trash to such a tiny amount, adopting a few zero waste principles can have a big impact on both your ecological footprint and your household budget.  

What Is Zero Waste?

“Zero waste” describes a lifestyle whose proponents aim to send absolutely no waste to a landfill, incinerator, or the ocean. Instead, they focus on finding ways to recycle, reuse, or refuse items. The concept is often considered part of the larger cradle-to-cradle manufacturing movement. A cradle-to-cradle material or product is recycled into a new product at the end of its life so that there is no waste. In contrast, most traditional manufacturing is considered cradle-to-grave, a linear model wherein a raw material is extracted from the earth, manufactured into a product that’s sold to consumers, and then disposed of in a landfill when it breaks, is used up, or once the consumer no longer wants or needs the product.   However, with global temperatures on the rise, extreme weather events, the ever-increasing size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and an alarming report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, many people aren’t waiting on manufacturing practices to change. Instead, they’re taking things into their own hands, seeking to reduce their resource consumption, purchase items secondhand, reuse products, and get their net trash output to zero — or as close to zero as they can.  

The Zero Waste Movement

The zero waste movement has been rapidly gaining popularity over the past decade, and most zero waste bloggers and lifestyle experts point to Bea Johnson as the mother of the movement. Johnson, who started the blog Zero Waste Home in 2008 chronicling her family’s zero waste journey, is one of the movement’s most famous spokespeople. When she launched her quest, most people had never heard the term “zero waste” as it was mainly used in government documents and by manufacturing companies.   Due to a combination of factors, from the 2008 financial crisis to the increase of extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy, people were poised to take matters into their own hands and reduce their household waste and expenditures. Today, zero waste is no longer a quirky habit practiced only by hippies with compost piles in their backyards; it’s a movement that doesn’t show any sign of slowing down.   The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that Americans generate about 262 million tons of trash each year, over half of which goes to a landfill. This averages to about 4.5 pounds of trash per person in this country of 330 million, every single day. By contrast, in 1960, the average person generated 2.68 pounds of waste per day. The United States is home to only about 4% of the world’s population but produces almost 30% of its waste. It’s no wonder people are trying to reduce the amount of trash they’re personally responsible for generating.  

How You Can Work Toward Zero Waste

In addition to saving precious and non-renewable resources, pursuing a zero waste lifestyle can save you time and money. Johnson, for example, estimates that going zero waste helped reduce her family’s household costs by 40%, which was a welcome bonus when they started their quest in the depths of the Great Recession. Buying less and taking care of the things you already own so that they last longer can save you money both in the short and long run.   How can you work toward zero waste in your life? Most zero waste proponents recommend following five key tenets, in order of priority: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot.       This one is easy: Simply refuse any items you don’t need, and don’t bring them into your house. That includes anything a person or company tries to give away for free, such as:  
  • A promotional tote bag from a work conference
  • A free pen from your bank
  • A plastic bobble head figure from the local ballpark family night
  • The plastic utensils, straws, and paper napkins that come with your takeout order
  At first, you may be tempted to accept such things just because they’re free and it’s hard for a budget-conscious person to pass up the lure of free stuff. However, anyone who has taken an introductory economics class knows the maxim “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” In other words, nothing is truly free; someone, somewhere pays for the cost of an item, and that cost is usually eventually passed onto the consumer.   In terms of zero waste, a free item isn’t actually free because there’s an environmental cost associated with manufacturing and distributing it. It’s also likely the item will end up in a landfill at some point. Refusing free items, especially promotional items offered by a company or organization, also sends the message that customers don’t want cheap doodads, and thus the company should rethink buying and distributing them and instead find other ways to incentivize and thank customers.   If you want to go one step further, when a company offers you a free item, let them know you don’t want them to spend their marketing budget on unnecessary stuff, but would rather see them put those funds toward their corporate environmental initiatives or a recycling program.         This is one of the zero waste tenets that will probably save you the most money, especially at the outset. It’s also pretty self-explanatory: Reduce the number of things you buy and consume.   Every time you consider buying something new — from clothing to electronics to home accessories — ask yourself if you really, truly need it. Most of the time, the answer will be no. You’ll likely be surprised by the sheer number of stuff you stop buying once you start to question every purchase you make.   You can also work to reduce the things you do need by changing some of your practices. If you’re in the habit of buying potato chips in pre-portioned, individual packages for convenience, consider buying one bag and portioning it out yourself as needed — or give up eating chips altogether. Reduce your reliance on single-use items, such as disposable plastic razors, plastic water bottles, and individual yogurt cups.   From a budget perspective, single-use and small-portion items are usually more expensive than their reusable and bulk counterparts. A reusable bottle and distilled water from homeare virtually free, whereas Americans pay an estimated 2,000% markup on bottled water, which is the same thing. Retailers know they can charge a premium for convenience, so by reducing how often you buy these items — or eliminating them altogether — you save money as well as the environment. For an incentive beyond your budget, keep in mind that single-use items account for almost 90% of the plastic in the oceans.   You can also reduce the amount of paper you use. Instead of printing a boarding pass every time you fly, download the airline’s app and use an electronic pass. Don’t print out a paper coupon or concert ticket, but instead store it digitally on your smartphone. Ask that receipts and documents be sent to you electronically instead of printed, and store manuals, prescriptions, and instructions digitally rather than printing them out. This will both reduce the amount of paper you use and obviate the need to have a printer at home, which gives you one less thing to store, care for, and eventually replace.   Instead of buying disposable paper or plastic plates, cups, and cutlery and plastic baggies and single-use storage cartons, switch to reusable items. If you host parties and cookouts a few times a year, investing in some reusable melamine plates or other non-breakable dishes will reduce your trash output and the number of items you need to buy in preparation for these events. When storing food, choose containers you can use over and over again, such as glass baking dishes and beeswax-coated food wrap.   Switch to reusable canvas grocery bags or use the plastic single-use bags you probably have an enormous collection of under your sink or in your pantry. You can also use these as trash can liners instead of buying plastic trash bags at the store. For every item you buy regularly, ask yourself if there’s a reusable version you can buy just one time or fashion a version from something you already own instead.   Finally, reduce the amount of energy you use. Set your home’s thermostat lower in the winter. Practice meal planning to reduce your grocery bill and food waste. Anything you can do to reduce the resources you consume will help you work toward zero waste and save you money.         Reuse everything you can, for as long as you can, in all the ways that you can. This category can be fun as it helps you stretch your imagination — who doesn’t love the treasure hunt aspect of secondhand shopping?   For example, if one of your favorite cotton t-shirts gets a hole in it, pull out a needle and thread and repair it instead of tossing it in the donate pile. If you don’t know how to sew, find an online tutorial to teach you. This simple fix can get you a few more years of wear out of the garment and keep you from spending money on a replacement.   If the shirt eventually wears out to the point that it’s no longer worth fixing, cut it into squares and use them for cleaning and multi-purpose rags instead of relying on disposable paper towels. This will save you money at the grocery store and save a tree. The National Resources Defense Council estimates that 500,000 acres of arboreal forest are cut down every year for pulp to make disposable products. What’s more, the plastic packaging from a pack of paper towels ultimately winds up in a landfill. Finally, once you’ve used the shirt to the point that it’s just a few shreds of cotton, you can compost it (more on that coming up).   Think about how many single-use items are based on reusable versions that our grandparents used. There was no such thing as a disposable razor or single-use plastic pen during the Great Depression. Look at the disposable items you use each day and ask yourself which reusable versions you could use instead. Instead of getting a disposable cup each time you visit a coffee shop, bring your travel coffee mug when you’re on the go. Stop buying boxes of tissues and instead use a handkerchief or square of old T-shirt to wipe your nose.   When you apply the reuse principle to everything you own, you’ll be surprised by how many things you can reuse instead of buying them new. From reusing coffee grounds to giving a second life to items like pasta sauce jars, get creative and see how long, and in how many ways, you can make something last. Every time you go to throw away an item, ask yourself how you can reuse it instead. If you need inspiration, turn to the Internet, which has a plethora of zero waste blogsdiscussion boards, and communities of people seeking to decrease their environmental impact and monthly budget.         Once something has truly reached the end of its life, you can then recycle it. In addition to setting things like plastic milk jugs and paper bags out on the curb for pickup every week, recycling also means figuring out how to properly dispose of things you can no longer use. There are a number of ways to responsibly dispose of hard-to-recycle items, including finding a local organization such as a Habitat for Humanity ReStore to take your old household appliances to, searching the Earth911 database to find a recycling center near you, and sending Brita filters and alkaline batteries to TerraCycle to be responsibly recycled.   If you’re getting rid of something you no longer need that’s still perfectly good, you can also recycle it by sending it into the secondhand economy so someone else can use it. Do this by listing it for sale or giving it away for free on sites such as Craigslist or apps such as Letgo. Put an ad on your apartment building bulletin board or ask your friends and neighbors if they need or want it. Doing so could help you earn a little money and will keep the item from heading to the landfill or getting recycled while it’s still perfectly usable.   If you’re wondering why “recycle” is so far down the zero waste list, it’s because simply tossing an item in the recycling bin doesn’t guarantee a happy ending. In fact, by some estimates, almost 25% of the things an average consumer puts out with their municipal recycling actually ends up in the landfill for several reasons.   Customers don’t always know what can and can’t be recycled. If they throw something in their recycling bin that can’t be processed, that item can actually contaminate the entire recycling batch, which means the whole thing has to be sent to the landfill instead. Dirty or food-soiled containers also can’t be recycled, so if you don’t wash out a tomato sauce jar, or you throw a cheesy, grease-soaked pizza box into the bin and hope for the best, those items have to be painstakingly pulled out of the stream either by municipal workers or at the recycling facility.   Finally, in the past, much of our recyclables were shipped to China instead of being processed in the United States. But ever since China banned the import of many types of plastic and paper in January 2018, recyclers and waste management companies have had literal tons of recyclable materials on their hands and nowhere to send it. In many cases, it’s more cost-effective to send this stuff to the landfill than recycle it.   There are also a number of materials that can only be recycled once, or downcycled. Plastic especially, due to the nature of its molecular makeup, can often only be melted down and re-formed once, often in the form of other lower-quality plastic items like plastic lumber and insulation materials. These second-generation plastic items, once they break down or are no longer wanted, are then sent to the landfill.   In all cases, choosing reusable containers and reducing the need for single-use plastic items is better than absolving your conscience by throwing them in the recycling bin.       The final tenet of zero waste is rot, another way of saying “compost.” If you’re new to composting, it’s the aerobic method by which organic waste breaks down. Most of us probably learned about the breakdown of organic matter way back in elementary school when we buried both a banana peel and a plastic bag in the ground and then dug them up six weeks later to see what had happened. The banana peel, aided by bacteria and oxygen in the soil, began to turn into dirt, whereas the plastic bag just got dirty.   Why bother composting when you can just throw food waste into the garbage and let it compost in the landfill? You may be surprised to learn that most items destined for the landfill don’t actually decompose. Landfills are lined with non-porous materials, such as plastic and clay, to contain trash and keep it from leaking into the ground below. This keeps everything in the landfill quarantined from soil and air, both of which are essential to composting. Landfills also mix everything into one big pile, instead of separating things that will turn back into dirt, such as banana peels, and things that never will, such as plastic.   For these reasons and more, avid zero waste followers compost everything that can’t be refused, reused, or recycled, either by starting a compost pile in their backyard, setting up vermicomposting in their kitchen, or finding a community garden where they can compost their kitchen scraps and plant cuttings. I live in a high-rise apartment building with no outdoor space and don’t have the kitchen capacity to host 30,000 worms, so I found a local nursery with a small composting setup to send my scraps to instead. The high-quality dirt that composting creates is an added benefit of keeping this organic matter out of the landfill; it’s better than any plastic bag of potting soil you buy at the store, and it’s free.  

Pitfalls to Avoid

If you’re ready to jump on the zero waste bandwagon, there are a few things to keep in mind as you embrace this lifestyle.  

1. You Don’t Have to Buy Anything New

You don’t need to buy special items in your quest toward fewer throwaway items and less packaging. Many zero waste bloggers post pictures of their reusable metal straws, fancy mesh produce bags, and beautiful Le Parfait storage containers, but you can simply opt out of using plastic straws and transport produce from the grocery store in any cloth or vinyl tote bag you already have. Instead of investing in a brand-new set of matching glass containers, re-use old pasta sauce and spice jars to store bulk food items, or pick up some canning jars from your local Goodwill for pennies.  

2. Don’t Toss Things You Already Own

  You also don’t have to buy fancy new eco-friendly shampoo or toss out all the cleaning products currently under your bathroom sink. An important part of zero waste is using what you already have instead of being lured by the siren song of something new. It can be tempting to want to buy a pretty new stainless steel travel mug for your daily coffee, but the free reusable mug you got from your last work event or public radio station donation works just as well.  

3. Progress Is Better Than Perfection

  Figuring out what to do with all the stuff you already have can get exhausting. If you find yourself overwhelmed with questions about how to reuse or responsibly dispose of something, don’t despair. The zero waste lifestyle isn’t a competition; if you never get your family’s yearly trash output to fit into a mason jar, you won’t be kicked out of the movement. Any step you can take is better — both for the environment and for your budget — than doing nothing at all.   Set a goal for yourself or your family, and make it a fun competition instead of yet another chore. If you hit your target, reward yourself with something that’s not a physical item, like a fun family activity, an ice cream outing, or dinner at a favorite restaurant.  

Final Word

  There are a number of resources that can help you on your quest toward zero waste, such as local “Buy Nothing” groups, the Freecycle Network, and zero waste bloggers. Learn to love shopping secondhand, embrace the sharing economy, and think creatively about the items in your house, and you’ll be well on your way toward lessening your environmental impact and increasing your savings.   Do you practice any zero waste principles? Do you think you could you ever get your family’s trash output down to one mason jar per year?  

Smart Finds to Reduce Your Single-Use Plastic Waste

Eco eye-opener: Americans use enough plastic water bottles in a single year to circle the Earth 350 times. You’ve no doubt seen the stats and lingered on photos depicting litter-strewn beaches and plastic-plagued fish on your newsfeed. 2018 was the year the world woke up to the plastic pollution crisis, and businesses, governments, and citizens responded to the call to find creative solutions to this overwhelming problem. At the rate we are tossing plastic water bottles, cups, bags, cutlery, and other one-offs, by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean, according to an estimate from the World Economic Forum. Scary stuff.   By making a few simple and sustainable (read: responsible and consistent) swaps, you can effortlessly slash your plastic footprint in 2019. Not sure where to start? Kick off your plastic diet with these eight reusable wonders.

Cool Sips

  EverDelights Stainless Steel Travel Straw Set with Wooden Cases, $20.99 Plastic straws are quickly becoming public enemy number one as scores of businesses rightfully eliminate them in an effort to cut down on plastic waste. Still, they arguably make sipping a favorite beverage even more enjoyable. Rather than reconcile yourself to an eternity of sucking down smoothies and iced matcha lattes sans straw, invest in a reusable set. These sleek stainless straws come with wooden cases for taking them on-the-go and brushes for keeping them clean.       Brita Monterey with Longlast™ Filter, $39.99 Investing in a reusable water bottle is an essential way to stem your use of single-use plastic. But what if you don’t like the taste of your tap water? Enter the 10-cup capacity Brita Monterey Pitcher. Its Longlast™ filter reduces odors, impurities, and contaminants like a boss, delivering up to 120 gallons of delicious water, so you can ditch disposables and stay fully hydrated. In one year, you can save 1,800 disposable 16-ounce bottles from ending up in landfills and oceans with just two Longlast™ filters. And those filters? TerraCycle recycles them into chairs, bike racks, park benches and more!         Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor, $145 You can breathe a sigh of relief—you don’t have to kick your green juice habit for the greater good. If your go-to juice joint relies on plastic bottles to serve up its sips, juicing under your own roof will drastically clip the amount of plastic you consume—and the dough you dish out—on the regular. This Breville version extracts 8 ounces of juice in about 5 seconds, so you can DIY and still be at work on time. The planet (and your wallet) will thank you.

Hot Sips

  KeepCup Brew Cup, $26 Less than 1 percent of the billions of disposable coffee cups used every year are recycled. This mostly comes down to the way they’re made, which prevents them from being recycled at standard plants. Coffee cup manufacturers and coffee chains are working on finding sustainable solutions, but the best fix now is to bring along a tumbler as you get your caffeine fix. Many coffee spots will even knock a few cents off the price of your latte for bringing in your own mug. It’s a win-win.   The Swag Tea Swag Set, $9.69 If you assumed all tea bags were compostable, think again. Many are sealed with polypropylene, a type of plastic. Who knew? If you needed an excuse to finally make the switch to loose leaf, this is it. These reusable organic cotton pouches can pull double duty — use them to steep a relaxing herbal infusion or bundle up herbs to flavor soups and stews.

Sustainable Storage

  Reusable Silicone Storage Bags - Multi Pack, $53.96 Plastic baggies are so retro. Made from silicone, Stasher’s storage bags are a smart alternative to standard sandwich and freezer bags. These bad boys hold everything plastic pouches can, without the eco impact. They’re endlessly reusable, handle stints in the freezer (good news for meal planning enthusiasts), and hack it under heat—up to 400F.   ECOBAGS® Market Collection Organic Mesh Drawstring Bag, $6.34 We’ve all been there—stuck in the produce aisle wrangling with those flimsy green plastic bags that seem like they were created for the sole purpose of giving store employees a good laugh. And if that weren’t offensive enough, the bags are barely used before ending up in the trash bin (and often ultimately in our seas). Reusable drawstring bags put an end to both dramas in one swift cinch. It’s the little things in life.   Bee’s Wrap Clover Print – Assorted Set of 3, $19 It seems like a benign everyday essential, but plastic wrap is well, wasteful. It’s convenient for covering leftovers and potluck meals, true, but trust us when we say you’ll be happy to see it go. Beeswax wraps are natural and reusable alternatives that use the warmth of your hands to soften the wrap and create a seal. The breathable material also boasts antibacterial qualities that help keep food fresh. Easy as that, you cut plastic and food waste.   So while the plastic pollution crisis can feel overwhelming, the solutions to it are refreshingly doable and specific. Whether filtering water instead of buying a bottle or reusable-bagging it at the grocery store, working these micro-habits into your day will soon become second nature–and they’re as good for you as they are Mama Earth.

Brands take recycling and their businesses to the next level

Going green can be beneficial for businesses and cost-effective for their customers. Retailers and consumer brands can draw inspiration from companies such as Nespresso, Brita and Amazon.com, which have developed innovative recycling programs aimed at making the world — and our environment — a better place.   Brita Brita products already make for an eco-friendly alternative to plastic water bottles. Believe it or not, one Brita filter can replace 300 standard water bottles. But when it comes to sustainability, Brita doesn’t stop there. Its recycling partner, TerraCycle, repurposes used filters, pitchers and bottles. Here’s how it works: after customers have collected at least five pounds of used Brita products to recycle, they are instructed to wrap them in a garbage liner or bag and pack into a shipping box. Then they can print out a free shipping label from the Brita website and mail the used goods back to Terracycle. The recycled products are incorporated into outdoor furniture, bike racks and park benches.

3 ways to have an eco-friendly picnic

With the Spring Equinox upon us, making it a point to connect with the natural world is one of the best things we can do for our health and wellness. While people of all ages benefit from face time with the great outdoors (particularly city dwellers who see more concrete than green), children and young people are especially better off. While the average American spends 93% of their time indoors, an alienation with nature, “nature-deficit disorder,” as been associated with higher rates of physical and emotional illness and attention difficulties in children.