#Upcycling: Exploring a Trend Tailor-Made for Digital Culture

TerraCycle Kraft Cheese Include USA
Upcycling,” or the creation of new objects from old or used items, is the latest craze in sustainable living. Spurred by the continued growth of the blogosphere and new platforms that are ripe for inspirational visual content (think Instagram and Pinterest), upcycling is quickly becoming a cultural movement driven by digital content.   Per the Oxford Dictionary, the key attribute of an “upcycled” product is that the result is of higher quality or value than the original. In short, enthusiasts of the trend ascribe to a “higher order” of recycling in which reused items are reincarnated in a better state than they were in before. Upcycling represents the intersection of sustainability and art, and therefore plays well within digital platforms known for showcasing and inspiring via visual content. Digital agency 360i’s Insights group took a closer look at the growth of the upcycle movement, digging through the data to learn more about the trend and what opportunities exist for brands.   Research analysis around the “upcycling” trend provides some key takeaways for marketers interested in connecting their brands to this trend. In order to ensure this movement is the right opportunity, marketers will want to confirm that their audience would identify with upcycling and align their content strategy with the places and ways in which people are sharing. Marketers looking to incorporate upcycling into their digital strategies can capitalize on the trend by providing added value to the conversation and using relevant keywords in their content. For example, 360i client Kraft Cheese recently partnered with TerraCycle (an organization committed to recycling/upcycling) to recycle more than 1.2 million pieces of cheese packaging for Earth Day, andshared this map on Facebook highlighting the top donating states.