TerraCycle turns discarded USPS goods into cool, eco-friendly iPad cases

TerraCycle Include USA USPS
We all want to save the world. Nobody actively wants to destroy this green, beautiful orb we call planet Earth. Still, it’s not always easy to make the right, most eco-friendly choices as a consumer. Thankfully, some tech companies are picking up the slack and offering up products that not only help heal the planet, but also don’t destroy our sense of aesthetics(and also our wallets.)   Case in point, TerraCycle and their new line of iPad cases. The company has always been re-purposing trash into gold and this new line is no different. The company created the bags by refashioning discarded United States Postal Service carry bags. You can almost see the resemblance in the photos. Now those mail bags will never be lost and alone, without a home.  They’ll be filled with an iPad! It’s like Toy Story 3, only a lot more boring. Don’t worry. The bags are water resistant, thanks to scraps of ultrasuede that line the inside. You know that whole whether there is rain, sleet or snow thing. No weather condition will stop you from getting to where you want to go and using your iPad in peace like a true American! Somewhere, somehow, Steve Jobs is looking down at us and smiling. The bags will set you back around $55. You can also buy different-sized versions for carrying around other things other than tablet computers, if that’s your, um, bag. Check a video on all the good work TerraCycle does below.