Terracycle Review and Giveaway

TerraCycle fertilizer Walmart hanging planter (plastics) Include USA
Have you ever watched a movie that really inspired you? Well, for some reason, when i'm watching my daughter's cartoons, I always get inspired. Maybe it's because i'm still a big kid myself. The first time I watched Wall-E, I really sat down to think if the world was like that for our great grand kids. Would you want them to miss out on our traditions because the earth was so polluted that they couldn't live here anymore? So many people don't recycle and don't even care to and it's a scary thought for the world to be overrun by trash. You have to think, people have had trash since day one. And unless it's been burned, it's still here somewhere decomposed on this earth. If we don't start trying to recycle more, we are going to run out of space to put trash! And that's where Terracycle comes in. They take ordinary things like chip bags and turn them into reusable items like hanging planters! I was lucky enough to review one of their hanging planters and honestly, you couldn't even tell if was recycled! It was very sturdy and my Zinnias are loving it! So you're looking to help recycle items and save the earth, look no further than Terracycle!