SERVICE WITH A SMILE: Dexter seventh and eighth graders give back to community through leadership class

school TerraCycle Include USA
“When you think of a really powerful group in the community, you have got to think about our middle school students,” Berryman said. “They’re a powerful group that makes a difference in our community and in the climate of our community and building.” Four of the eighth students –– Paige Bartkowiak, Sara Wortmann, Kourtney Koch and Amelia Sadler –– led their class with service hours. Bartkowiak clocked in with 150 hours to qualify for the Presidential Service Award and 175 total hours. Wortmann recorded 100 presidential service hours and 120 total hours. Koch had 100 presidential service hours and 119 total hours. Sadler recorded 150 presidential service hours and 167 total hours. Bartkowiak said the hours fill up quickly. “You don’t have to do huge projects,” she said. “You just do a little bit here and there.” Bartkowiak along with Wortmann and Koch helped organize a bottle recycling project and a partnership with TerraCycle at the middle school as part of their Girl Scout service to the community.