Rubicon Global's "Trick or Trash" Halloween Recycling Campaign Reaches More Than 450 Schools in 49 States

TerraCycle Include USA ZWB Rubicon
Rubicon Global announces that the company’s first-ever Halloween campaign designed to help educators from across the United States teach their students about the importance of recycling and keeping candy wrappers out of landfills was a success, with more than 450 schools in 49 states signing up for the free program.   The campaign was in keeping with Rubicon’s mission to end waste. According to industry data, $2.6 billion will be spent on candy in 2019(1), and Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy(2) for Halloween.   Throughout the month of October, Rubicon ran its first-ever “Trick or Trash” campaign, offering educators across the United States a recycling and circular economy lesson plan, as well as a Candy and Snack Wrappers Zero Waste Box through TerraCycle for students to discard their Halloween candy wrappers within. All of these items were provided free of charge.   Educators were able to download the lesson plan immediately upon sign-up, after which more than 450 Candy and Snack Wrappers Zero Waste Boxes were shipped out to schools across the United States. Once delivered, educators set up their boxes in their classroom, cafeteria, or hallways, and are encouraging students to deposit all of their Halloween candy wrappers in them. Once the boxes get full, educators can simply seal the box and ship it off free of charge using the prepaid shipping label.   “We are absolutely thrilled by the energy and engagement that teachers across the country have demonstrated since we launched the Trick or Trash program, as well as the positive feedback, photos, and posts we have seen on social media as the program has taken flight,” said Michael Allegretti, Chief Strategy Officer, Rubicon Global. “This unique Rubicon Global program showcases to children and teachers across the U.S. that every single person can play a critical role in creating a more sustainable future for our planet by keeping waste out of landfills.”  
For more information, visit www.rubiconglobal.com.