Recycling 2.0: Salvaging more than cans, bottles and paper

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Melanie Ziomek has always been an avid recycler and is so adamant about it her sister jokingly calls her “super recycling nerd.” “I told her I was going to make her a recycling nerd cape,” said her sister, Tammy Kozicki. Ziomek recycles everything she can at Normal’s drop boxes, but was concerned about all the products that can’t be recycled. “I realized how many ink cartridges my church (Word of Faith) and the company I work for (Central Illinois Grain Inspection) were going through,” Ziomek said. She started collecting them in hopes of finding an outlet — and she finally did last fall. It’s called Terracycle, a Trenton, N.J., company founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, someone equally passionate about finding uses for items that can’t be recycled.