Recycle For a Cause

speakers TerraCycle starbucks plastics Frito-Lay (Pepsico) Walmart Include USA Nabisco (Kraft Foods)
The Fourth of July celebrations will be in full swing this weekend. As you plan your party, think about what you will do with all the trash that is leftover. Some of these items can be sent to TerraCycle, an upcycling and recycling company with a unique point of view. They want to “Outsmart Waste”. TerraCycle works with large companies such as Frito-Lay, Nabisco, and Starbucks to “eliminate the idea of waste”. The waste generated by these companies is collected by schools, church groups, and other organizations as well as indivduals. The “trash”, shipped free of charge, is then turned into backpacks, speakers, pencil cases and more which feature the brightly colored packaging. Other items are used to make pictures frames, floor tiles and plastic lumber. These items are available online at www.TerraCycleShop.com, with some items, such as their new cooler, soon to be available at Wal-Mart.