It's a Wrap - For Now

TerraCycle General Brigades Include USA Kashi
Beginning next week, the CCHS Environmental Field Studies Group has teamed up with Terracycle, a global program that aims to eliminate waste with recycling and upcycling. The EFSG is collecting the following items: all brands and sizes of candy wrappers, Kashi products and wrappers, cereal bag liners, writing Instruments such as pens, markers, sharpies, dry-erase markers, pencils, mechanical pencils that are dry and do not work. All of the items collected will be sent to TerraCycle, which takes items, previously thought to be unusable again - such as a cereal box liner - and converts them into useful products. In addition, two cents is earned for each item collected, with the money earned by the CCHS EFSG Club will help a charity of the club’s choice. The charity has not yet been determined. Collections begin this week, so gather your candy wrappers and old pens so you can drop them off at one of the many TerraCycle boxes set up around the campus when school reopens Monday.