How to Turn Trail Trash Into Treasure

TerraCycle bear naked Clif Bar Odwalla Include USA Kashi
Admit it. You’ve done it before running. While cycling. After getting out of the pool. Thrown out an energy bar wrapper, that is. What else could you do? You probably stowed it away in your pocket, which is better than tossing it wherever you were. Unfortunately, not everybody is like you, and that leads to trails, tracks and streets littered with the up until recently non-recyclable packaging. Is there any other option? Yes. TerraCycle, one of the earliest innovators in upcycling (taking something and making a higher level use for it, if possible using it in its original form) come up with an alternative. First with Clif Bar, then with Kashi, Bear Naked, and Odwalla: Collect the used packaging and other hard to recycle materials and turn it into new products ranging from shower curtains to backpacks.