Eco-friendly craft idea Colgate toothbrush and pencil holder

capri-sun school TerraCycle Colgate Include USA
Eco-friendly crafts are items made out of recycled materials.  There are fun and unique craft projects to create and earn money for your school or non-profit organization using recycled products. TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  is an eco-friendly company that uses certain types of would-be-waste materials to make new products.  Some of the examples of items they create are tote bags that are sewed together and made out of Capri Sun pouches. The great thing is that they receive their waste from schools all across America in a "trash for cash" fundraising program. TerraCycle  <http://www.terracycle.net/> has collected over 50,000 pieces of waste from Milwaukee and kept it out of the landfills.  Over $1,000 has been paid to various Milwaukee schools and non-profit organizations. Milwaukee German Immersion School <http://www2.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/german_imm/>  has collected the most with over 18,000 pieces of waste that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill. Here is a recycled craft pattern that Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  has given permission to post. To learn more about the program check out www.TerraCycle.net <http://www.TerraCycle.net>  .