Easy ways to earn money for schools

capri-sun school TerraCycle Kraft Include USA
There are many ways to help a school earn money through fundraisers, contests and grant applications, but what if your time is limited because of your work schedule or because you're a stay-at-home mom with other little ones still at home with you? Are there ways to help that don't require selling anything or require a whole lot of time that you just don't have right now? Yes, and here a couple of ways to earn money for your school with very little effort on your part. CapriSun's Drink Pouch Brigade <http://brands.kraftfoods.com/caprisun/be-green-earn-green.aspx> -Earn $.02 per CapriSun pouch collected and recycled through TerraCycle. Complete details on CapriSun's website <http://brands.kraftfoods.com/caprisun/be-green-earn-green.aspx> . Talk to your local school of choice to find out if they have established their own brigade so you can contribute drink pouches or start your own, ask if you can visit during lunch or snack time and collect the empty drink pouches and you don't even have to pay the postage to send them in.