Dropps Doesn’t Drop the Ball at All…

TerraCycle Dropps Include USA
Hey you! That’s not how it’s spelled is it? What am I talking about? You wonder.. What are Dropps? You ask !… Well, they are pre-measured, compact (6x concentrated) laundry detergent in these convenient, easy to use, dissolvable detergent packets that you throw into your Washer and go. Sweet right? Yeah, they sure are. There’s no mess, no heavy jug to LUG around, measuring and reading the back to get the amount just right (different detergents with different rules) plus they are Eco friendly, which in my opinion is the #1 reason why I even wanted to try them, well, not the only reason, but the fact that Dropps is greener for the planet, it’s formula has been approved by the EPA’s Design for Environment (DfE) program, it recognizes formulas with safer chemistry.