DIY Easter Basket Project From TerraCycle

TerraCycle Lunchables M&M's (Mars) Malt-O-Meal Include USA
Looking for a recycled craft to do this week during Spring Break? Malt-O-Meal cereals and TerraCycle have a fun – and environmentally-friendly – DIY project the kids will love. All you need are food wrappers, scissors, and a few other items to make your very own Easter basket to fill with sweets.
The project is easy to make with an adult's supervision. For complete project details, click here.
Easter baskets not your thing? How about a Lunchables Woven Bracelet, or a Yogurt Cup Herb Garden? You can find these and other great project ideas over on the Terracycle Do-It-Yourself Projects page. Speaking of Terracycle, to keep those candy wrappers in your Easter baskets out of a landfill, TerraCycle and the M&M’s Candy Wrapper Brigade offers an easy alternative. Simply collect those empty candy wrappers from the Easter baskets and send them to TerraCycle. You'll receive two points per item collected that can be used for charity gifts or converted to cash and donated to any school or charity. TerraCycle even covers the shipping cost! TerraCycle also collects Malt-O-Meal bags through its Cereal Bag Brigade, if you choose not to turn them into Easter baskets, as well as many other wrappers and packaging you normally think wouldn't be recyclable! Visit www.terracycle.com to sign up for the Brigade programs and view the full list of items TerraCycle accepts.