Disposable Diaper Recycling May Soon Become a Real Possibility

TerraCycle Brigades Walmart Target Include USA
OWATONNA — While changing diapers on a baby is a necessary duty, it is not fun. It is easy to understand why disposable diapers quickly topped reusable cloth diapers as the bottom-covering garment of choice for incontinent Americans once these handy items came on the market. Many people, including me during the years I regularly changed diapers, felt at least a slight pang of guilt as our garbage cans filled with the smelly items and as we plunked down more hard-earned cash for a box that emptied all too quickly. In actuality, while Americans dispose of millions of diapers annually, dirty diapers comprise only about one and one-half percent of all materials buried in landfills. Still, it would be great if there was a more environmentally friendly alternative to getting rid of used disposable diapers.