Children’s library program works to get kids to think green

TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigade (Honest Tea Include USA
"Trash 2 Treasure is a wonderful way to tap into and inspire children's creativity and innovation, while at the same time bringing attention to how much garbage we produce in our homes and encouraging kids to think about steps we can take toward sustainable lifestyles and lowering our carbon footprint," said McMurrer. McMurrer rode the momentum from last year's contest even further, as she used the impetus of the contest to start, with the help of local mom Karen Baker, the TerraCycle Juice Pouch Brigade in the schools. The brigade is another one of those win-win-win propositions. The kids recycle their juice pouches at conveniently located receptacles within the schools, the schools get $0.02 per pouch that goes to TerraCycle, and TerraCycle turns the pouches into totes, backpacks, pencil cases, lunch bags – in total, 185 items for the home, office, garden, pets, school and more. Besides the first place winners each winning a $100 savings bond, donated by PNC Bank, all of the contest winners (first through third place) each won a prize donated by TerraCycle.