Are Marketers Bowing to Positive Peer Pressure?

TerraCycle Frito-Lay (Pepsico) Include USA keebler
Marketers switching from traditional to compostable packaging because others have been successful with it = good peer pressure. What’s my point? My free samples of Boulder Canyon chips arrived today. Across the top in a two-inch banner read, “Compostable Packaging!” Seriously, it’s probably the first thing you see. Nor can you miss it on the SunChips bag, where it takes up the top quarter of the package. Even my Keebler chocolate chip cookies container asks consumers to “Turn this wrapper into a good cause,” an invitation to get involved in upcycling (keeping cookie wrappers and other packaging out of landfills by turning them into new products) wrapped in a 2 1/2″ x 4″ green leaf that fairly leaps out of the brown and caramel package. Also, Keebler, if you’re listening, “details on back” (inviting consumers to turn the package over for details on the Terracycle program) works in the store, but not after consumers have opened the crackle-y, flappy cookine container at home. If you’re going to invite people to turn over the package, you need to make it resealable. I’ll leave the unfortunate results to your imagination. Let’s just say the dog had a great night.